Tokyo Kanda Matsuri was derived from commemorating the victory of Sekigahara battle by the Dokogawa Eayas in 1603. The main god of Kanda Matsuri is a guardian diety of the Dokogawa Family. The Palanquin and Cart Parade, which takes to an ancestral tablet, is very fancy.

Osaka Tianjin Matsuri used the characters of OSaka that was close to the river and oceans. The Palanquin that takes to a guardian diety of the regions transports flowers with a decorated ship.

Kyoto Gion Matsuri handed down since 868. It has a character that the card is made fancy by putting a spear or bow. This cart is called Yamabko, and the parade of this cart takes a quarter of a day.

The Matsuri festival is native to Japan, but it has become a world-wide festival, so many visiting foreigners do not cease to go to Japan because they want to experience the beautiful Japanese culture through Matsuris.
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