A sumo player is somebody of heavy build and has unique hairstyle. The sumo ceremonies before the game takes a longer time than the game. This is a character of sumo and shows a highly stylized Japanese culture.
Sumo players are called Rikisih, the place that the fight is done is called Dohyo. Women never step into the Dohyo, because a Dohyo is regarded as a life base fighting where men hide. Rikisihs move towards the corner called Sico, and turn with their left then right legs. After that, they rinse [wash out] their mouths with lustral water, clean themselves with toilet paper and sprinkle salt on the Dohyo. This means it is to remove bad luck. Then, they face their opponent, do a Sico and prepare and get ready. The referee is called a Kyo Ji, and he gives competition orders so the two player's work in harmony. If any part of a person's bodies touched the Dohyo, the one who is pused down is the loser.
When the fight is finised, each player nod their heads and go back, and the winner and loser should have a poker face.
Even if a judgement of the Kyo Ji seems wrong, Rikisihs must obey absolutely. Sumo is a single-round match so losers don't have any chances. This rule shows Japans culture that Japanese absolutely obey superiors and they give emphasis on manners and formality.