Heroine Hanna was 169cm, 95kg. She can seemed to participate in K-1 or ssireum ring, but she had a heavenly voice. She wanted to be a singer, but she was 'singer without face' whom lip sync instead of beauty singer Ami. Hanna had to date sb by talking on the phone part-time job for livelihood in the night. she secretly carried the torch Ami's producer, San June whom only person recognizes Hanna's musicality. One day, Hanna invited his birthday party, but she was the laughing stock of party in front of he. Because she was fat. Later that night, huge Hanna disappeared. She had whole body plastic surgery.169cm, 48kg. Hanna had perfect S line and she changed her name to Jenny. Because Hanna disappeared without trace, so Ami can't took part in the record business. Hanna appeared in front of San June, and she was San June's savior as filling up Ami's vacuum. Jenny had charming good looks and singing ability was as good as Hanna. Jenny turned out successful as singer. In spite of beauty, Jenny was very kind to a wonder. Rival Ami saw all of situation, she had jealousy and doubt. San June fell in love with Jenny. However, he wised up Jenny's secret. Though he loved her truly, so he understanded her. The movie ended happy.
These movie came out when lookism was rampant in our society. It's criticize the trend of public opinion. These days, many people have plastic surgeries. As these movie's end, it tells that beauty isn't all. Of course, if somebody have plastic surgeries, they get beauty and happy. I also don't beauty and slim, so I wanted to have plastic surgeries once. However, after I saw these movie, I think that the natural form is most important. If somebody love themself, they are best beautiful person.
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